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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Buying a SLR camera

I'm planing to buy a new camera and I have a simple question:

I want to photograph in the night / low light, and it would be VERY frustrating for me to keep the shutter button pressed for 4-15 mins.

So does the Nikon F70 have a "T" exposure mode or some advanced bulb mode so I can program the exposure time?


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April 15, 2000 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
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  Hi Ivan,
The Nikon N70 does have this function - an "electromagnetically controlled Bulb setting." The F70 camera looks to me like the European name for what is called the N70 in the U.S. Camera manufacturers do this all the time; it's confusing but I guess it helps them curb gray market and black market pirating.

Anyway, you will have the function that will allow you to open the shutter, go have a cup of hot cocoa, and come back to stop the exposure whenever you want.

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June 24, 2000

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