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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Pam DeCicco


I read that carrying on cameras and film when going through the airport. Are there any suggestions for used film coming back from a vacation. I don't want to loose all my pictures!

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March 12, 2003


John A. Lind
Put all your film in carry-on bag(s). DON'T pack it in checked luggage! The X-Ray scanners for checked bags are more powerful and WILL fog film, regardless of film speed.

DON'T pack your film in lead lined bags! Even in a carry-on scanner, they simply crank up the power unit it bores through the lead bag to see what's in it.

In a U.S. airport, you can request hand check of film and according to FAA rules, they are supposed to honor this request. However, the folks doing the inspecting don't always know this . . . and some don't want to do this even if they know. In any event, the only film at risk in carry-on X-Ray scanning is high speed stuff. You shouldn't have any problems with film speeds up to ISO 400 making several passes through carry-on X-Ray scanners.

-- John

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March 14, 2003

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