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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Book Suggestions

By the way this site is really informative and I am impressed with the responses you guys give! great job! My question is: do you know about any books that would help someone be creative in trying to do some studio work at home. Like with lighting, drops, props and just trying to do this with possible things you have around the house or that would be fairly cheap to buy so you could play around or just practice but get a decent shot that looked like you weren't using cheesy equipment??? And any books that you think would be simple to understand and learn as much as I can as a beginner. I can't afford to go to college or even take a few classes so I am just trying to read and absorb as much information along with practicing by doing some projects for fun...any help would be appreciated! :) Thanks,

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February 23, 2003

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