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Photography Question 

Scott Pedersen

Timed exposures

I started playing with the bulb setting on my ME Super. I figure out how long the shutter should be open and using my release cable hold it while I count out the seconds. How does everyone else time their exposures? When the shutter is open for say 16 or 30 seconds is it that critial or can one be a milliseconds off either way on your expsure?

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February 19, 2003


Jon Close
  I use a watch. Milliseconds are not critical with B exposures. With print film there is great expsosure latitude, so being within 1 or 2 stops of the correct exposure is good enough. If the correct exposure is 16 seconds, then anything between 8 and 30 seconds (+/- 1 stop) is fine. With slide film there is much less latitude, usually 1/2 stop or less. So if 16 seconds is the correct exposure, you'll get a good result with 13-20 seconds (+/- 1/3 stop).

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February 19, 2003

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