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Photography Question 

Melinda Wheeler

Cold Photos

I am planning a trip to Alaska in around one month and am wondering what equipment I need to take and what I need to do to adjust to the cold temperatures. Of course, I'm not sure how cold it will actually be, but the coldest I have used my cameras is around 20-30 degrees above zero. I have a Canon Rebel 2000 setup including a long (500) Sigma lens and a Sony Mavica CD300 digital. I guess my main questions are how the digitals function in that kind of environment and if the longer lens's lubricants will freeze up???

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January 15, 2003


Melissa Keil
  Melinda, I live in AK, about 50 miles from Anch. I can't advise you on what equipment to bring, but I can tell you my Nikon SLR does fine outside for a comfortable amount of time (about an hour or so is as long as I am ever outside in the winter). I have friends who use their digitals outside with no problems, too. Also, our temps have been unusually warm for this time of year, around 30 degrees. Good luck and I hope you enjoy Alaska!

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January 15, 2003

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