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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

portraits with a 35mm

recently ive been getting asked (alot) if I do portraits. can and will the 3xi take that quality of a picture, and how do I set it up to do so ( film,flash,and so on)thank you for your help

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December 15, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Not familiar with the 3xi....sounds like a minolta model number to me? Anyway, the quality of the image is much more dependent upon the quality of your lens than on what camera body you have. As far as 35mm for portraits it depends greatly upon what you intend to do with the photos. If you are routinely making large prints then a medium format camera wouldn't be a bad choice.

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December 15, 2002


Tony Peckman
  I am new to the portrait arena as of the last year and all I'm using is a Pentax ZX-30 and a 28-105 Tamron. I was able to enlarge to 11x14 with Kodak Portra 160 film and an excellent pro photo lab here in Denver. I couldn't believe, and neither could my clients, what a difference the film and lab make. The lens, like Jeff mentioned was very important, but after that the lower film speed and quality printing were what I needed to deliver a great portrait. Equally as important in portraits is the lighting. I make sure with outdoor shots that I don't have any "hot spots" of the sun peaking through trees, etc. on the subjects faces or bodies.
I did a search for months and months for "portaits tips", "portrait samples" and any other combination to look at photographers web sites and study what I liked and didn't. It's a wonderful learning time and then start shooting and learn from your mistakes AND successes.
As far as "flash", I am still trying to get the fill flash right, with an adjustable power Sunpak 433. I also use an occasional disc reflector or translucent disc diffuser.

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December 15, 2002

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