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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Premature Film Rewinding

I have a Maxxium HT si PLus Minolta Af camera that I have having some difficulties with. I start a role of film, and after about three photos are taken, the camera automatically rewinds the roll as if it were finished. I have lost at least four roles of film due to this problem. Could someone tell me what is going wrong, and if it can be fixed?

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November 26, 2002


  I have a Pentax IQ Zoom 928 that does the same thing although usually about halfway thru the roll. We found that the use of a calendar - back on the camera when activated seem to make it worse, but it doesn't happen on every roll. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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December 13, 2002


  I used to have this problem, and I read on Kodak's website that it's caused by feeding the film in too much, or not enough. Only feed it up to the index mark on the inside of your camera and that might help.

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August 04, 2003

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