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Photography Question 

Cheryl Tessens

Which lense to use?

I have recently purchased a Nikon Coolpix 4500 digital camera.I have had numerous people ask me to do family portraits.With my camera I cannot get everyone in the picture unless they are farther away (in the image itself)and then this makes it a not so good portraiture.I would like to know if there is a way that I can bring them in closer capturing all of the people with more detail in the image itself.Would using an lense accomplish this task for me?Additional lense such as a wide angle converter lense or a telephoto zoom lense?Thank you for any advice that anyone can give to me regarding this matter?

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November 18, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  The problem with using wide angle lenses for portraits is that you get distortion at the edges of your frame and some people might not like the way it makes them look. In addition to that adding adapter lenses can adversely affect the quality of the image so any detail you might gain by moving closer will probably be lost. IMO you are best off just moving farther away from your subjects.

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November 19, 2002


Judith A. Clark
  Also try a step ladder sometimes,being higher than the group will get more in, I heard this is a photography course I took so for large groups I always try to get high for a better shot, If I'm wrong sorry, but its something you might try.

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November 19, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Actually a step ladder is a good idea. The reason it works is not so much to fit more people in but rather it helps you achieve greater depth of field so everyone stays sharp. It does this by making the plane of people's faces more parallel to the plane of the "film".

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November 19, 2002


  try using a mirror...

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March 22, 2003

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