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BetterPhoto Member

Keeping a polarizer on at all times

Is it possible to keep a polarizer on my lens at all times & get decent pictures? Indoors & out?

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November 11, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  It's certainly possible. But you have to remember that a polarizer cuts out 2 stops of light so you will end up needing flash more often and using much slower shutter speeds than you would without it.

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November 11, 2002


Kerry Drager
  Hi Debra: Jeff made an excellent point about the light-reducing aspect of the polarizer.
When I put a polarizing filter on my lens, I do so when I have a specific need - say, to darken a blue sky, or to beef up the colors in an overcast scene by removing the glare. Otherwise, I leave the polarizer off my lens.
Incidentally, although you can see a polarizer's effect in the viewfinder (or by holding it up to your eye), sometimes it's hard to determine whether using one will enhance (or ruin) a particular shot. My advice for those questionable situations: If possible, shoot the scene both ways - with AND without the filter. That way you'll make sure you get exactly the effect you want.
Happy shooting!

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November 18, 2002

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