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Photography Question 

Wayne Abraham

Focusing when shooting a lanscape or big subject

I am a beginner and I'm puzzeled about what to focus the camera on when I'm shooting a large subject like a building or a bridge or when shooting a landscape.
Please help.

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October 21, 2002


Wayne Attridge
  That's a difficult question to give a short answer to. It is all about depth of field. It depends what you want the image to look like when you are finished. Some of this is artistic impression and personal taste. That being said, if you want maximum focus for the entire image, shoot with the smallest aperture (the largest number, possibly f16 or f11) you can as this will increase the depth of field. Then focus on a distant object and gradually move the focus ring until the nearest object in the frame just comes into focus. This should give you reasonable results until you learn some more about depth of field and lens focal length and how they work. Also, the shorter the lens, eg 28mm, the larger the depth of field. I hope you are not totally confused now!! Pick up a beginner's photography book and study it. By the way, I like your name.

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October 22, 2002


Wayne Abraham
  Thanks Wayne,

I have a 28 mm lens that I'm experimenting with. I'll let you know what progress I make.


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October 22, 2002


Wayne Attridge
  One thing you may notice with a 28 mm lens is what is called sperical abberation. This is where the image at the outer boundary of the lens starts to curve. This means that the edges of your picture may appear a little distorted. The straight lines near the edges appear curved. It is most obvious when you shoot subjects that are close to the lens. Distant objects are not as affected. So practice up and just keep that in mind when you get your pictures back. Try some near and far so you know what your lens will do. Later, wayne.

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October 23, 2002


Wayne Attridge
  Spelling?? that should read 'spherical abberation.

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October 23, 2002

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