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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Katrina Wampler

What to charge?

I have had several people ask me to do photos for them. What should I charge if anything? I am pursuing this as a career but up until now, it is just a hobby.

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October 15, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  I should write a book on this subject. First of all don't think you are competing with Sears and Walmart. You will never be able to beat their prices. Nor should you. You offer more personalized and custom service and should charge accordingly.

Don't make the mistake of charging based on a markup of materials. You are not selling film and photo paper. You are selling a service. With that in mind, your prices shouldn't look like this:

4x5 - $X
5x7 - $2x
8x10 - $4X

IOW, why would an image printed 4x5 be 1/4 the price of an image printed 8x10? Will your customer get 1/4 the pleasure from the 4x5? No. Also keep in mind all the time you will spend working on one clients order. There's the time spent with the client before the shoot, the time during the shoot, the time getting the film ready to be sent to the lab, editing the proofs, showing the proofs, getting the negs ready to go back to the lab, assembling the final order, and delivering the order. This is all time you need to consider not to mention the time you spend doing other things related to your "business" in general and the money you spend on equipment etc.

I can't tell you what to charge. Only you know what you think the market will bear. You may be surprised at how much it will actually bear. Check some of you the prices of your competition. That would be a good starting point. Mostly, I just wanted you to be aware of what you are charging for.

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October 16, 2002

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