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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

What Makes A Great Photo?

I have to write a paper for a class on what I think makes a good photograph. I also have to get an "expert photographer's" opinion on what makes a good photograph. Could anyone help me please?

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February 16, 2000


John A. Lind
  Kelly, you have asked the question that *all* photographers, famous and obscure, professional and amateur, have asked themselves! It is not a simple question; it is one of the most difficult. If it were an easy one, everyone would be a "great" photographer. The following are at least three things the "great" photographs contain:

1. Technical execution: proper exposure, proper focusing, and proper distance from the subject for a good (or interesting) perspective.

2. Composition: placement of objects in the image make it visually appealing. There are a whole host of compositional techniques to keep out distractions and to draw the viewer's attention to what you want them to see in the image and keep it riveted there.

3. A universal message: The image tells a story that anyone from any society or social class can immediately identify with and understand without a title or explanation. Truly great photographs are also timeless. They will convey essentially the same message 1000 years from now as they do today.

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July 26, 2000

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