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Photography Question 

Kris Lingle

lightning shots

I have a Canon Rebel G camera and want to take lightning shots. How do I go about it. Are you supposed to be able to lock open until the light hits or is it dumb luck?

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September 13, 2002


Seth G. Petro
bingo!!! you hit the nail on the head. Actually though, its a bit more than just that. alot of it is experience and learning where to set up and how to stay in front of the storm. you also learn how long to keep the shutter open depending on how much lightning and how dark the sky is. Mainly, you load up with lots of film and have a hay day. I heard it said once about lightning photography. you take all you've ever learned about photography and you throw it out the window. good luck and stay safe. Lightning loves that metal tripod. :)

Seth Petro

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September 13, 2002

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