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Ujjwal Mukherjee

Blur background while zooming

I have a Canon EOS50 and have two zoom lenses one is Canon USM 28-80 and the other is Canon USM 75-300.I have a question on the zoom/camera functioning, I don't think it is a problem with camera.
Whenever I zoom in to a foreground subject and focus it (auto-focus) the background from the view finder looks blurred. But if I use the wide angle then everything is in focus. I even tried with a very small aperture (f/11 and f/22) but the background still looks (from the view finder)blurred when I zoom in to my subject at the foreground. Now is there something going wrong or it is supposed to
behave this way ? What I need to do if I want to keep both the foreground subject and the background in sharp focus ? My camera has a DEP mode which allows me to take the reading both from the foreground subject as well as the background so that the picture has got good DOF all along from close to far but when I look from the view finder it still looks blured but the picture which I remember had taken using DOF or even using manual exposure(with low aperture) does not seem to be so blurred.

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September 12, 2002


doug Nelson
  Your camera is behaving normally, letting you focus and letting the autoexposure do its job with the lens wide open. When the camera companies first began making cameras that would do this, in the 70's, it was considered revolutionary. Since you look through the lens with an SLR, you see the depth of field at your lens' widest aperture. Sure, you have more apparent depth-of-field at 28mm than at 50, you're supposed to. There must be a depth-of-field preview option on your camera that lets you see exactly what will appear in focus in your image.

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September 13, 2002


John C. Schwentner
  And actually this short dof when zooming is an excellent effect, my favorite, when it comes to bringing all the atention to the subject. Its great when that background disappears.

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June 17, 2005

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