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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Museums and Aquariums

How do I take museum, zoo, and aquarium photos?

More specifically, I am referring to indoor subjects behind glass.

Lighting is generally average to poor, occasionally flash is not allowed, and flash often creates glare or reflections anyway.

Turning off flash, I'm usually not steady enough to hold the camera still enough. I could buy a tripod but I'm not sure if they are practical for crowded public areas such as aquariums and zoos.

I am using a Nikon Coolpix 885, which for the most part is a digital point and click with a few manual options. I think the highest ISO I can set it to is 400.

Any general tips on the above scenario? Or do I need a fully manual camera?

(yes, I am an amateur, of course!)

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September 03, 2002

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