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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

how to light a group b&w studio shot

I have been asked to photograph family friends for their upcoming annual Xmas card. I am looking for suggestions on how to light the group and what type of background to use. I can provide the following information.
1) Studio lights and backgrounds are available.
2) Camera is a Nikon F90x
3) 4 people total - 2 adults & 2 teens
4) The family is from Jamaica

Any help is appreciated.


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August 28, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  With groups the best way is to light things very evenly. The simplest way is to place your key light directly over or right next to the camera. A broad light source is going to be best. Slap a light on the background and you're good to go.

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August 29, 2002

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