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Photography Question 

Joy Rector

Photo editing software - Corel PhotoPaint vs. Phot

I have been using Corel's PhotoPaint and I like what I can do with it. But I am seeing that a majority of folks are using Photoshop. I would like to hear from folks who may have used both and which they feel offers the most features for digital photographers. Maybe I should consider using Photoshop. So before I invest in an upgrade to PhotoPaint I am doing some exploring.

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July 31, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Photoshop is the most powerful and comprehensive editing software out there. It's the industry standard. But it's also expensive and has a steep learning curve. If you are happy with what you have I don't see a reason to change. If you begin to find you can't do what you want then move up. If you can dream it there's a way to do it with Photoshop. It's just a matter of figuring out how.

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July 31, 2002


Nemes Ioan Sorin
  Hey Jeff...

one second.. cos I want to tell you a little story..

I am web designer - in the past I was
print designer shore I know what
I say now : the most Photoshop Fans
just claim up the Photoshop because
they just dont know, and because is more
confortable to say "it's a graphic world standard"... to try to know how and why is more difficult, so I have a lot of fun when read all stupid esplanation about
Photoshop superiority ... Look >> I make
a long research and I spend manny time to find the truth about ..Now I can tell you some about subject:
- Photoshop was a good program.
In the past.5.5 version was most good. Corel 9 ( the competitor ) does not have implemented all rendering functions
so accurate like Photoshop.
- but time is in continous change..
From Corel Photopaint 10 situation is
changed verry clear >> Photoshop has left an older first position... I think
because they implemented the new API ..not so stable like 5.5,
they not improuved the effects verry much - in Corel - for most filters I can
change the color of the light - or in Photoshop I can't (!! - from 3 past version to present) - that can not be superiority.
- the Plastic effect (like example - is so manny !!) in Photopaint is Real >> plaster wrap in Photoshop is so unnatural...
- the lens flare effect - a single color
in photoshop (yeah - I can change by
channels but too manny steps), all colors in Photopaint(!).
- look the lens Flare in Photopaint 11
make a difference between how controls
you find for this effect in Corel and In Adobe Photoshop7.
That kind of difference make the real difference, if U know that I mean...

You see ? I work with both programs but Photoshop, have in time, too small improuvements and Corel become better and better. That's the truth.Sorry..

I say that because I WORK with both programs - and I use all facilities..
- Adobe superiorty was ON THE PAST !

- Try all effects/filters before you say some like :
"..Photoshop is the most powerful and comprehensive editing software out there.. ".

Hm.. you know what ? majority of big fans of Adobe Photoshop sustain cos Photopaint dont have implemented some
facilities... OK I see they dont searching for when they tell me that because the requested function are under their eyes...

BTW - oter thing I believe is not a standard - is usability...
all standard must be accepted like some
good and valuable for all and from that PW Corel interface is at hi altitude,
I dont understand why is so conservative
Adobe but...

In any case..
about the subject of best one I can tell you
two days.

I preffer to slip.
And if you are a good people - try what
I'm say here and before >> Fire in my
position but... with arguments..
ok ?

Anyhow have a good day
best wishes, may the design be with U !.

P.S. - please escuse my english...
..I am from Mars

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November 27, 2002


Judith A. Clark
  Ok, here's my comment. I don't like photoshop. I don't have the full version because I can't figure out how to use limited or elements. I don't want to spend $700 and up to buy a program that I then have to spend hundreds more to learn how to use. I your photography is good, why do you need it? When does it stop being about the shot and become computer design. I turn some of my pics into black and white and tint them. I do some special effects, just to play around, but the better my pictures get the less I use these things. I do all of my editing and printing with much cheaper software.
For a really good shot all you need to do is crop a little and print.

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November 28, 2002


Joy Rector
  Thanks for all your comments!!!

Judith, I agree with you that the photos should be great from the beginning and most of them are. However, I do like, you say like to turn some to black and white (or sepia) and play with some of the other features.

Nemes, I agree whole heartedly with you aoub the improvements in Photopaint and those not so quickly in Photoshop. I use both also. But have been using photopaint longer and truthly like it better.

Thank you too Jeff for your comments. I having been using a friends computer with photoshop to try it out before I put the money into it. I think I am going to stick with Corel at least for the present.

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November 28, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  In the end you need to do what you feel most comfortable with. As to what Nemes said, Photoshop IS the industry standard in my industry. This is a photographic forum (not a web or print design forum) and I am a professional photographer. And I know of no other professional photographer using a program other than Photoshop. I'm sure there are some but none of my colleagues are. It is the most powerful program available. It takes some time to learn but if you are serious about photography it is worth it.

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November 28, 2002

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