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Photography Question 

Meghan Gonski

program for discovering differences

I have two external hard drives. I back my photos on them identically. However, I've been getting them mixed up. I have some I edited and don't remember if I backed it on the other one, or I have photos I deleted and don't remember if I deleted from the other hard drive.
I don't even know what words to Google this. Is there a type of program that can look at both hard drives and tell me if they have the exact same files/photos on it, and if they are the same photos or slightly different because of edit. (Even though the photo name is the same)

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October 23, 2012

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  Look at the properties of each file and see if the dates are the same when it was created or modified.
You can also open each file in Photoshop, and paste one as a layer over the other, and in the layers palette if you choose "difference" as the layers option (the list that has normal, screen, overlay, etc...) if the layers are identical, the image will go black. Any difference in appearance, called out of register, will show up.

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October 25, 2012


Meghan Gonski
  Thank you for the detailed Ps, it's very cool. I didn't know that could be done. I don't have Ps though.... after you close your dropping jaw lol....
I was sort of hoping there'd be a blanket program because I have so many photos, it will be a pain to look at each one.

Someone actually found a blanket type program called WinMerge that does that but it's mostly for documents. Although at the moment I'm having trouble with that one too as half the text in documents I try to compare are weird characters. The forum they have is stupid as my question won't get posted until an "administrator approves the post." Anyway for the photo comparing I'm having a little bit of luck with it, but I'm worried since it's mostly a document program it can't tell me a photo that has the same name but different editing. (cause it's on two different EHD)

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October 25, 2012

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