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Photography Question 

Rhonda Royse

Wedding Photography - All Indoors

Hi - I have been asked to do a Golden Anniversary wedding/event. While I have sot two weddings in the past - both have been completley out doors! This one is inside for both the event and the reception. First - since I am new to this, I am wondering if I should politely bow out since I do not have any experience in this for indoors. I would hate to dissappoint someone! Or if I need to give it a go and in that case - I have no idea what equipment I would need or think about bringing! I have a Sony A850.. Sony 50MM, Sony 28-75, camera mount flash, then I have three alien bee monolights - although I dont have a traveling power source. HELP!

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April 21, 2011


Lynn R. Powers

You are having the problem of your heart and your brain being in conflict.
Your heart says that you really want to take hese photos but your brain is telling you what you wrote above. Follow your brain. As time goes by and you become more experienced this type of opportunity will come up often. Then you will have the knowledge and experience.

I suggest that you do as you said and politely decline but also thank them for the offer. And give them the reasons you just gave us. They are valid points. What you don't tell them is at this point you do not want to take the chance of photographing the event that ends with a lot of missed or poor shots and start off with a bad reputation.

But you can say that you will go as a second shooter and be at the reception after the hired photographer has gone to do your own thing. Just remember to NEVER show them the near misses or otherwise bad photos afterwords. Only let them see your best photos even if there are only six of them.

During the actual ceremony stay out of the hired photographers way and do not stand next to him and take the same photo as he/she just took. Find your own point of view and time your shots after they have taken theirs. If the photographer comes to the reception also you work the opposite end of the room taking photos of various guests and of course you will have to take photos of the people dancing but you can take photos of the re-newly weds during their fifth dance of the day instead of the first. Also take photos of their children dancing with their spouses.

As far as equipment is concerned your camera is up to it but I am not sure if your lens is because I am not familiar with it. If the zoom is capable of shooting wide open at f2.8 throughout its zoom you are fine. If not use the camera mount flash with a diffuser. Leave you Alien Bees at home.
You do not want to fool around moving people or lights around. Either one could make it a very tiring day.


PS: I hope the event hasn't happened already.

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April 23, 2011


Rhonda Royse
  thank you Lynn - No the event has not happened yet - july 22nd...

yes - I am going to follow my brain at the moment! I would hate for them to be dissapointed with any of the pictures. I am such a perfectionist! thus why I have taken quite a few classes and done alot of practicing with friends and family! to ensure that I get good shots... I will offer up the second shooter idea and actually I have been pondering trying to become a second shooter for a pro for a while.. to be able to watch and learn from them, but not sure how to go about that one.
Thank again!

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April 26, 2011

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