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Photography Question 

Rhonda Royse

Exporting pictures for web or printing

Hello! Please help me understand - again - what settings/format/resoltuion etc I should be exporting my pictures as from Lightroom to be used on either the Web or for printing. I start to get confused on the file type and what resoltuion I should use and how many pixels! I want the best quaility on the web when I post but also the best for final printing. thanks

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October 03, 2010

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
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  Hello Rhonda,
Posting on the web & printing are 2 different scenarios as web pics should be small so that people cant download them to print themselves and printable images should be kept separate or on a secure site so that only you or your customers can order the prints from the site.
I make my images small for posting on the web such as 600 pixels on the short side in jpeg format and apply my copyright info on the image (to deter theft) but I keep my images full sized as either jpeg or tif for printing. I often sell 24 x 36 inch prints so they have to be at least 2400 x 3600 pixels to print that size. I use an online printing service which automatically sizes down my images that are displayed on their site but they have the full size version to use for printing when they receive orders from my customers.
Better Photo suggests 500 x 750 pixels at 72 pixels per inch in either jpeg, tiff, bmp or ping file type.
Better Photo and my printing site have some safeguards such as right-click disabled but anything posted on the internet can be stolen with a screen capture or using software designed to bypass the right-click safeguard but if the images are small, there is not much they can do with them.
Hope this helps,

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October 03, 2010

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