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Category: New Answers

Photography Question - Larry Heyert

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Contest Entires- JPEG vs RAW

Can my contest entry be submitted in either JPEG or RAW format?

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July 13, 2010


Randy A. Myers
  You can't submit a RAW file. A RAW file is just the file that contains the information which a convertor uses to create the image. When you scroll your computer you actually see a tiny thumbnail image that represents the file. This is not the full image. It is not an image until converted. I always enter a JPEG image. I've seen no difference between it and a TIFF file. I have not used the other options.

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July 14, 2010

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
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Ken Smith's Gallery
  Larry, the BP process will convert your image automatically to 800 pixels on the long side. So, before you upload to BP you might want to resize to 800, sharpen, then upload.

You can also do an experiment..upload two images, one around 2000-3000 pixels width and another one resized to 800 pixels and sharpened, and compare. If you can't tell a difference in the quality, then don't worry about resizing. I'm in the habit of resizing to 800 pixels and converting to TIF, but only because I've done it that way for some time.

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July 14, 2010

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