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Photography Question 

Pam Elliott

Backup and workflow of images

I have all of my images on my laptop and on 1 1TB external hard drive as a backup. My laptop is now too full to work and I need to get those images off of the computer - I'm scared to delete them even though I have them backed up onto the 1TB hard drive. What do others do? Should I buy one more 1TB hard drive and back up to that as well so I have 2 hard drives with my images in case one breaks down? I'm at a loss for keeping up with all the images, storing and workflow to keep everything updated and backed up safely so I can free up my laptop. Any suggestions/help would be appreciated! :-)
Thank you!

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January 04, 2010


Bob Cammarata
  I store my originals straight out of the camera on an external hard drive and back them up on 4 GB DVD discs.
(Each disc holds around 120-125 large TIFF files.)

The processed/resized versions of each photo are kept on my P/C until I've finished doing what I want with them (i.e., e-mailing a few, uploading to my website, etc.)
Eventually, these smaller files get transfered to the external drive as well but are not backed up onto the discs. If one of the processed photos gets lost or accidentally deleted, it's easy to pull up the original and start over.

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January 04, 2010

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Pam,
I have learned a few very painful lessons over the years with lost images from corrupt CF cards, hard drive failures, etc.. and now that you can get 1TB hard drives for about $100, I keep 2 drives with my photos at all times. My workflow is as follows: I download my 4GB CF card using Adobe Photo Downloader and specify the folder on the hard drive and create the name for the files and then I also select "save copies to" at the bottom and specify a different drive and then download the images. I use a Firewire 800 connection & Iomega Mini-max hard drives and it takes about 6 minutes to download a 4gb card to 2 drives at the same time. I then grab that CF card and burn it to DVD (as Bob mentioned - they fit perfectly at 4GB)... I even keep a set of DVDs at a friends house in case of fire at my house.
Get another hardf drive and a stack of DVDs :)

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January 05, 2010


Randy A. Myers
  Hi Pam. I burn DVD's of the orinal captures. I have two backup hard drives daisy chained to the computer. One backs up the computer and the other backup copies the the first back up. All I have to do is check the second backup files and if they are fine, then I know the first backup is good. I learned my lesson when I had the computers hard drive crash and two days later the one backup drive also went down. That's why I do double drives.

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January 05, 2010


Monnie Ryan
  Here's my routine: First, I download the photos to my PC. Immediately, I copy them to my portable hard drive (a 500GB Western Digital) as well. At the end of each year (if not sooner), I burn all the photos from that year to DVDs. Then, I double-check to make sure everything is on the portable hard drive. When I start running low on space on the PC, I can delete without worrying about losing the older stuff -- they're on both the portable hard drive and DVDs. It's a system that's worked for me for several years now.

Also, I have a primary photo gallery Web site (paid) where I can upload an unlimited number in the original size. I put my best edited ones here, too, and can download them that way if necessary.

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January 05, 2010


Pam Elliott
  Wow everyone - great info! Thanks for letting me know.. this does help clarify what I need to get and do. I also heard that Lightroom is good in keeping records and getting all the photos organized as well.. I think I'll get that and an extra hard drive and I'll be good to go! (I already have DVDs around the house - and will use those to back up as well)
Thanks again!

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January 05, 2010

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