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Photography Question 

Lynn R. Powers

Beware of False Information

A recent replyer to a question about the Canon 100 f2.8 Macro said that Canon no longer repairs these lenses since the new 100 f2.8L Macro came out.
This did not strike me as being true since the new lens did not hit the market until September of this year. What happens to the older models warranty if they were purchased in June?
I checked with the Canon Repair facility in Irvine, CA and was informed that of course they will continue repairing even the lenses over a year old but then the customer has to pay for the repair. It happens to be that there is a Federal Law that requires them to continuing to service equipment for seven years after it goes out of production.
The individual couldn't remember whom it was or the department they were in but I bet it was the Canon Store. So the individual ended up paying over $1000 for a new lens where more than likely it would have cost $250-300 to repair.

Please also remember that some stores are devious, in Canons case I would say the individual was unknowledgeable, and those that talk to you are going to sound just like your best friend. NOT!
I have dealt with Canon for almost 5 years and consider their Customer Service to be great.

A lot of people purchase things off ebay and Amazon. There are a lot of legitimate sellers there but there are also a lot that prey upon the unaware. Make sure of where you are purchasing your equipment by asking other photographers for recommendations.

Be careful out there.


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December 09, 2009


Jon Close
  "It happens to be that there is a Federal Law that requires them to continuing to service equipment for seven years after it goes out of production."
Good info.
Also worth repeating:
The EF 100 f/2.8 USM Macro was NOT discontinued, it remains in the line up as a current production lens. The new EF 100 f/2.8L IS USM Macro is an addition to Canon's line up, not a replacement.

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December 10, 2009

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