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RoxAnne E. Franklin

External Harddrive Cord came apart from the plug

I tried to plug in my Western Digital external Harddrive and the cord litterally fell apart from the plug!
Does anyone have a clue as to where I would go to get this repaired as I need to get images out of it.

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November 02, 2009


Lynn A. Page
  Hi RoxAnne,

I also had an issue with my Western Digital external harddrive. I wasn't able to retrive any of my images from it. I returned it to the store I purchased it from and they were able to recover all of my images from it. Since the time table was also under a year they replaced it at no cost.

Good Luck

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November 03, 2009

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi RoxAnne,
Is it just the cord thats damaged ? If so, you should be able to get another cord easy enough but if its the power connections in the hard drive, you may need to do as Lynn suggests and take it in to get the images retrieved.
I had a hard drive inside a laptop fail and took it in to get my images recovered. I had a list of folders that were on that drive and when the images were retrieved - all the folders were there but it only retrieved a few actual photos that were in those folders. Some of the folders had hundreds of photos. Luckily I had most of these written to DVDs but there was a recent shoot of about 400 images that were not recovered and I had not backed them up yet - and they are lost forever. Drives fail often enough that I always save my images to another drive (for redundancy) and write my raw files onto a DVD. This is also why I like 4GB CF cards, since they fit perfectly on a 4GB DVD :)
Good Luck,

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November 03, 2009


RoxAnne E. Franklin
  Thanks everyone! Yes it's the power cord, the one that plugs into the unit and then into the wall, not the usb cord.
Someone told me today that I can go to office depot and get a new cord, so i'll try that. I should be ok if I get a compatible cord so they say.
Yes, image storage is really fun around here. I dvd all the raw files, then external harddrive all the edited files, then dvd both again and keep off site. Ya know,,, it could get very insane with storage if you don't tell yourself at some point to STOP!!!!

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November 03, 2009

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