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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Ray Thoms

What is happening?

I have noticed for a while now, since I have returned from my surgery actually, the rapid increase in the number EP’s that have been and are being given out is nothing less than amazing….I have received one every day. This leads me to ask the question…..What is happening?
My work is good but I have never received that many EP’s before and this led me to believe that maybe I might have a chance at receiving a Finalist this month, but it never happened.
Looking back one has to wonder why so many EP’s are being given out….because it certainly devalues anything it may have represented. Also what does it do to the ones received in the past?
The prize list of the month contest does not allow for many winners but the names do not vary much and the characteristics of a winner always remain the same. I guess, unfortunately that I do not have any of many of those characteristics as they are all related to money being spent which I really don’t have a whole abundance to spend.
There are no doubt so very good photos chosen each month, but there also some very mediocre ones chosen as well. Often though, the good doesn’t supersede.
I realize this is a busy site but I learned a long time ago, take care of the little things in life and the big ones will resolve themselves….so hopefully things will get better…

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August 22, 2009

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