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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Anthony L. Mancuso

ISO variations

I recently started a photography business and currently own a Nikon D80. I like it for the most part, but I recently phootographed an event at night and I am not satisfied with the noise levels at higher ISO ratings. It was my understanding that ISO was a standardized measure, but I have seen images on BP taken with higher end cameras at high ISO with practically no noise. When I am ready to upgrade how can I determine that the new model will perform better at higher ISO ratings?

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July 11, 2009


Dale Mickelsen
  Are you using a tripod? While increasing the ISO can help with low light it really is not the answer. At the "event" if your subjects are moving around and you have low light, you will need a light source. PB has some great classes about flash. If your subjects do not move a good tripod and time is on your side. Also BP's class on using natural light will solve a lot of your issues. Keep trying.

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October 25, 2009


Anthony L. Mancuso
  Thanks Dale..I am actually taking the natural light for portraits class right now. I've been shying away from any more events and sticking with the portraits for now, but I have had a few inquiries about weddings. I don't think a tripod would've been feasible at that event, but I will look into those flash photography classes...thanks for the response and encouragement...

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October 25, 2009

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