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Photography Question 

Anita Bower

Elements 7 vs. CS4

I have been happily using PS7 and Raw Shooter Essentials for years. I recently bought a Nikon D300, and find my old software does not support it, specifically the RAW converter software.

My question is this: Will I be unhappy going from PS7 to Elements 7? Will I miss some of the tools? Will I regret not being able to work in 16 bit?

The tools I mostly use in PS7 are the adjustment layers, clone, burn and dogde, unsharp mask, gaussian blur.

In RAW Shooter Essentials, I used exposure, fill light, shadow and highlight contrast, color temp and tint.

I had a simple and easy work flow.

I cannot upgrade to CS4, and the price of a full version seems rather high. I would rather spend my money on new lenses.

I would appreciate the thoughts of others.

Thank you,

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April 07, 2009


John Rhodes
  Anita, I agree the price of CS4 is prohibitive for mist of us, and furthermore, the program isn't designed for a photographic workflow.

I'd like to recommend another program that should meet your needs; Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2. The program costs about $260, but it is designed totally for a photographic workflow that can accomplish just about everything you need to do.

Since using Lightroom, I have found I can do over 90% of my workflow in this program. It is very intuitive to the user. Also, Adobe has excellent tutorials at

You should be able to download a trial version from Adobe. I'd be happy to answer questions on the program if you contact me.


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April 07, 2009

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