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Photography Question 

Debra Booth

Using Custom White Balance with Canon SLRs

I know how to set custom white balance on a Canon DSLR by selecting a photo taken of a grey card or of an ExpoDisc. After you set the WB, however, does the camera need that photo to be on the card or can you change cards and still use the custom setting? For example, maybe you set the custom white balance and have to change flash cards shortly after. Would you have to retake the white balance image or does the camera remember the settings associated with it?

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March 29, 2009


Jon Close
  I'm reasonably sure that the Custom WB is retained in the camera's internal memory, and once set does not need access to the initial photo. I only have 1 card currently, so can't test this on my 40D. If you have 2 cards, go ahead and try it.

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March 30, 2009


Debra Booth
  Thanks, Jon. I certainly agree with you, and I think that it should retain the settings. I haven't yet conducted any controlled experiments, but it does appear to be working this way.

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March 30, 2009


John Rhodes
  Debra, I'm sure the custom white balance doesn't depend on the card. Once you set the WB, it should be stored in camera. However, consider that you probably don't want to "store" a white balance as the correct white balance is directly related to the light conditions at the time you take the shot. Unless the light is exactly the same (studio controlled conditions) you will want to use a gray card (I don't know abut the expo disk)before you that the photo.


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March 30, 2009

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