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Photography Question 

whitney morgan

Batch Editin

Good Morning All,

I need some help. I have about 100 pictures that I need to put my copyright symbol and name of my business one. Normally I just do them one at a time but this time I have an unusually large batch. Does anyone know how to place text on all photos at once and then just move then text where you want and/or change the color on each individual picutre as its needed. Please let me know as soon as possible.

Thanks so much.

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February 09, 2009

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hello Whitney,
You can create an action in Photoshop that will do this and you can create the copyright template as a layer so that you will be able to move & edit each one after the action. The thing is, if you are going to move/change colors for each photo, I dont know that this will save you time because if you do the action and leave the layer open for editing, you will still need to edit the type, then merge/flatten the layers for each photo.
Maybe someone else knows a little more effecient way of doing this and I will read up on it later to see if I find a way that will work and save you some time.

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February 09, 2009


whitney morgan
  Thank you Carlton for the help. Normally what I do, instead of using The Copyright Template in Photoshop I just use a copyright symbol when I put my text in.i got in in Microsoft Word. I found found this is easier for me to manipulate. Obviously every picture is different and will need different color and placement of text. So if anyone knows a way to just put text on every picture let me know. Maybe that helps me explain myself better.

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February 09, 2009

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hello Whitney,
to create an action - open an image and go to the Window menu - show actions>create new action. Name that action "copyright" and assign a key (like F11) in the function key box. Now hit the record icon or the start recording from the pull down menu and this will start to record each step you take for this action.
*Take your time and do each step perfectly as it is being recorded*
Now open a new layer and select the Type tool, Choose your type style & size and enter your © 2009 Whitney info - place it it the lower right hand corner (just as a reference point).
Now this is where I would normally flatten the image but since you will want to edit it further I would suggest completing the action and leaving that layer open.

(If you are working on a 16 bit tif and want to save it as an 8 bit jpg, then record those steps as well in this action and you can also resize the image if needed in the action).

So hit the "Stop" button and this will end the action.

If it doesn't come out right you can select it and record it over again.

Now each image will have the type layer that will need to be further edited & flattened to save as .tif or .jpg.

I am doing this from memory since I am at my work PC with no PS in front of me for reference, so I may have forgotten something ???

Good Luck Whitney,

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February 10, 2009


whitney morgan
  THank you so much for your help. I will try this tonight and see if I can get it to work. I am still new at learning all the ins and outs of Photoshop. There is so much to that program. Thank you for taking the time to help me. Have a great week!!!!

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February 10, 2009

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