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Photography Question 

Tareq M. Alhamrani

Film Medium Format

Hi all,

I would like to know, which is best film medium format out there? or let's say what do you recommend as a film medium format?
The budget is not a problem but not looking to go over $5000 or $10000 LOL, and for what? ok, let's say for portraits/still life and outdoors [Landscapes, nature,...].

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January 23, 2009


Pete H

The "best" will be a matter of opinion.
"Blad" still represents the "I have arrived" camera. They were too expensive for me when I started in photography.

What to use (format) will depend heavily on what you will be shooting.
Portrait shooting favors the square negative (6x6)...Landscapes favor the rectangular film (6x8 and 6x9)

Here is a good link to start your journey in the world of MF.

You also have the option of skipping film all together and going with the new MF digital backs from Sinar and Leaf Aptus. I have shot with these on a few assignments and they are incredible. I don't own these backs, I rent them when necessary; which is rare.

Although I rarely shoot MF any longer, I still have my trusty Mamiya 645 for those "just in case" times.

I'm sure you will have little problem spending the 10K in medium format. LOL


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January 23, 2009


Tareq M. Alhamrani
  Hi Pete,

In fact I have Hasselblad H3DII-39mp, I got it about 2 weeks ago, but reading much I feel it is not the best digital medium format, and I can't buy another digital medium format, so I thought I should try with film as many saying it is still the best for large prints and quality or resolution maybe, and in the future I can use any digital back compatible for a film MF, so what do you think?

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January 23, 2009


Pete H
  "but not looking to go over $5000 or $10000"

Surely you jest?

The Hasselblad H3DII-39mp costs about 21,000 U.S!

What's up Tareq?

I can't think of too many MF digitals that will out do what you have.


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January 23, 2009


Tareq M. Alhamrani
  I was asking about Film MF, so I bought that H3D in local store and he helped me too much so I didn't pay cash all at once, I paid about 50-70% and the rest monthly payment [4-5 months], so that I couldn't buy any digital MF over $15000 at once.
and I was asking about film MF that I don't want to spend over $5000 to get it, but I will not buy it now, just I want to read more about film, meanwhile I will use my new hassy, and it is really amazing but still I didn't work professionally to use this beast to its high limits.

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January 23, 2009

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