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Photography Question 

Naomi Weiser

Help with pricing

Hope someone can help me.I am a hobbyist photographer, I dont have
fancy equipment. I usually take pics of friends and family, so I really
don't know where to begin with pricing. Also I live in israel and the company is in America, so the pricing here is not relevant.
I did a photo shoot of a little girl with a product, and the company
wants to use one of the photos to put on the packaging of the product.
This is a product that will be sold in a supermarket chain.
I assume I need to charge a price for the photo shoot, and then a price
for each photo they use to licenese it?
What is the price range I shoudl charge for this? Any good websites with pricing information, none of the ones I have looked at so far are helpful.
Thanks for any help!
Naomi :)

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December 20, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  This is the link for Advertising Photographers of America.
You have to add accordingly since it's about 8 years old but it's real world. If they offer you less, chances are they're doing it because you're inexperienced without a rep or agent. And if you sell usage rights for less, you're doing yourself, shall we say, a disservice. You need to consider the value of your work to your client including why they've chosen your work to begin to SELL their products.

BTW, you DID copyright the image in a timely manner, didn't you??? Yes ??? H-e-l-l-o, yes???

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December 20, 2008


Naomi Weiser
  great site! thanks! exactly what I was looking for, and I must say I was happily surprised by the prices. I am still going to accept a lot less since this seems like a very good opportunity.
And yes, I started looking into if I need to copyright the image, I'm learning :)

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December 22, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Naomi: There's nothing to look into really. You either copyright it by filing the appropriate paperwork on form V.A. or you don't. Without actually filing, while work receives a minimum amount of protection at the time it's created, without timely registration you can't protect your work in court or sue for infringement.

As I mentioned before, those prices are not quite current. You need to add about 10-15 per cent, minimum, to those listed.
And you're welcome ! Good luck.

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December 22, 2008

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