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Photography Question 

Theresa L. Witt


I recently took outdoor pics of a family with black shirts on. Their faces seem to be washed out. I have a nikon D80 and was wandering how I can keep the faces from being so light. My camera was set to matrix metering. Should I use spot metering and meter on the faces. I was shooting in Raw but can't seem to correct the tone enough for a more natural skin tone.


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November 14, 2008


Correct, Teri, spot meter the faces and use AEL before you recompose and press the exposure button.

If you save that RAW file as a TIFF, after WB adjust for the whole image, you can then PP it in your photo editor to get the desired skin tone(s).

Have fun!

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November 14, 2008


Pete H

Spot metering from a distance is one solution, though often not the best for facial tones.

Another method to try is matrix metering and get close enough to your subjects face so their face fills the entire frame. Take a reading. Plug these values in for manual mode now. Back up and shoot.

The reasoning for this is simple and complex.

Generally, human facial skin tones are not uniform. You may also accidently spot meter off a shadow area of the face, or a bright area.

Depending on the accuracy of the camera's metering system (number of metering points etc.., matrix will often work great as it averages all those tones. Give it a try.

As"W" mentioned, you can clean up the facial tones later..Most pros have to do this as SOP...warm it up a little etc...

all the best,


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November 14, 2008


Theresa L. Witt
  Thanks so much to the two of you. I will try both techniques and see which one works best for me. I love betterphoto!! People are always so willing to share and help out.

Thanks again.


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November 14, 2008

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