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Photography Question 

Sherri McGee

Fuji Neopan 400

I have some Fuji Neopan 400 film I am planning on sending to A & I for developing. I was positive it was C41 film. It doesn't say C41 on the canister so I called A & I. They said I have to use a black and white mailer. I have found tons of links online saying Fuji Neopan 400 CN is C41 film. Is there a difference between Fuji Neopan and Fuji Neopan CN?

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August 04, 2008


doug Nelson
  It should say C41 on the canister. If not, do as A&I says. Film makers still make the older silver-halide-based B&W film. If you like the results you get with it, you can stick with it and do your own developing with a small investment in a tank and chemicals.

You can switch to the C41 type of B&W and get cheaper drug-store developing, and scan it more easily with a film scanner.

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August 04, 2008


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi Sherri,

The "CN" stands for color negative.
Take the film to a local one-hour shop and have it developed.

Alan Marcus

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August 04, 2008


Sherri McGee
  Thank you.
My film doesn't say CN on it. That's why I was wondering if there was a difference between Fuji Neopan 400 and Fuji Neopan 400 CN. I only have two rolls. I think I will buy a black and white mailer for A & I. The pics are of me and my husband so I want to get the right processing done.

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August 04, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Greetings Sherri ! You can just send your film to Isgo Photo in Burbank. They own A&I and started years and years ago in the B&w processing and printing biz. Their work is top shelf. So is their color processing and printing and collateral services. IMO for some reason(s) I can't figure out, A&I since the buy out, has had more problems than their predecessors. That's why I stick with ISGO and their main lab in Burbank.

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August 04, 2008

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