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Photography Question 

Kathy Cobb

Shot with both Nikon D3 and Fuji S5?

For those who have shot with both the Nikon D3 and Fuji S5, I'd like opinions on whether or not there is a big difference in the photos they produce. I've been using the S5 for a couple of years and really like it, but have never used a D3 and wondered if I would see a discernable difference in my photos. My business is mostly portraits and weddings with some landscapes. Thanks!

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June 22, 2008


Pete H
  Hello Kathy,

The biggest diff is in the sensor size.

Your S5 sports a APS size sensor..about 15mmx23mm wheras the D3 is a full frame sensor with the same dimensions as a film 35mm camera (36mmx24mm)

Yes, a full frame sensor will indeed be superior in some areas.


1) Lower noise at high ISO's.
2) Increased tonality and color rendition.
3) Larger prints at native resolution.

The only real negative aspect other than the cost of the D3 is that you will need to by a new stable of lenses as the DX format lenses while they may work, are not meant for (FX) full frame sensors. Dx lenses are for the APS sized sensors as they focus the image to the 15x23mm sensor..on a FX sensor you will see a little circle where your image is now formed, hence; wasting a lot of the FX sensor space.

"...if I would see a discernable difference..."

In a word?..YES! The D3 is pretty much the cream of the crop now in the DSLR 35mm world. Next year? Who knows? LOL

all the best,


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June 22, 2008


"The D3 is pretty much the cream of the crop now in the DSLR 35mm world."

WHOAA there! Not so fast.
You seem to forget the Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III, a 21,4mp cam (almost double the D3's!), which is the number one best selling SLR among high-end pros.
The D3 is an excellent top-of-the-line dSLR, but definitely not number one.

And the forthcoming new top offering from Sony is supposed to be a bombshell, so that camera, expected this year, seems also set to easily outpace the D3 on most fronts.

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June 22, 2008


Pete H
  Hence my words "pretty much"


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June 22, 2008


Kathy Cobb
  Thanks, Pete. I didn't realize my lenses would be a consideration. Just so I understand - I have all Nikon lenses - 85 1.8, 50 1.8. 18-35 and 70-300. These are considered DX format lenses?

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June 23, 2008


Pete H
  If they currently work properly on your S5; yes.

Nikon lenese have designations scribed on them. "DX" is just one of many designations. DX indicates the lens is specially made to cover the smaller sensor well.

Your lenses "may" work on the D3..You should go to the camera store and try them.

One more consideration; Depth of field is changed when using DX lenses on a FX sensor.


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June 23, 2008

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