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Photography Question 

Sheri Berry

In search of ideas for my first exhibit

I would love some ideas on hosting my first show. It is happening June6,7,8 in Red Bank NJ. I spent alot of time shooting and have a wonderful series of B&W humanistic portraits.My available space is great, its 14'x14'in an antique emporium. The event is advertised on the web, so turnout should be good weather permitting.I Just purchased all black distressed frames, have about 12 pieces. Any good ideas for my own promotion? wine ?
Music? Love to hear from any and all

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May 07, 2008


Christopher A. Walrath
  Hi, Sheri. I can't suggest music or others, but I would like to mention something about presentation. Black and white photographs have about a 20% reflectance and are best viewed against a surface that has a similarly relflectant value. A tan or a grey, close to 18% medium gray like the exposure cards. Reason being, against a bright surface the images would be lower in value than the background and conversely for a dark background. Just an idea.


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May 09, 2008


Sheri Berry
  Hey Chris,
Thanks for the good advice. I wonder if I should exhibit without the glass to cut down on the reflection. I Suppose i'm taking the chance of fingerprints...Do you know of a cleaner to use on the mat board? These print are about 30 yrs old. shot in '76. The negs were VERY thin and I printed them on high grade paper and did ALOT of manipulation, so re-printing them would be a tremendous amount of work. Maybe I should spray the glass to cut down on reflection? Is there such a thing? thanks for your advice,

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May 09, 2008

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