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Photography Question 

Tony Kukulich

Loupe Selection

I need a good quality loupe. I'm primarily shooting 6x7 slides, but also shoot 35mm and 645 formats as well. Any suggestions? Thanks very much for your help.

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April 27, 2008


Alan N. Marcus
  Hands down, the Hastings Triplet 10X.
This has the highest achromatic (without color) correction.
I keep one on my key chain and try to never be without. I have tried everything and money was no barrier. I carry the Bausch & Lomb one about $35.00 on line. The Hastings is a three element cemented, been standard for a hundred years.

Alan Marcus

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April 27, 2008


Tony Kukulich
  Thanks for your help, Alan.

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May 07, 2008


John H. Siskin
  Hi Tony,
You might also consider the Peak 4X Anastigmat Lupe. The advantage is that you can see most of the 6X7 frame at one time. Unfortunately rather expensive. I also use mine to focus my view camera.
Thanks, John Siskin

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May 12, 2008

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