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Photography Question 

Krista M. Murdoch

How to pose a group of 5 kids

This coming weekend I have a photoshoot with 5 kids ages 1,2,3,3,and 5. I have a small studio in my basement and I am looking for some suggestions on posing. I am mostly going to take natural relaxed pictures of the children playing but the mother would like some posed photos. I have been searching for some sample photos but am unable to find any with more than three children or without parents. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks so much!!!

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March 30, 2008


BetterPhoto Member
  All I can suggest is something to get their attention and very fast reflexes

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March 30, 2008


Danielle E. Rutter
  Ditto to that.

Most likely you aren't going to be able to pose them AND make it look at all natural. You have four of five kids that are not very likely to sit still for more than .5 seconds. Sorry I don't have anything more positive to say but your best bet really is doing the natural un-posed photographs.

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March 30, 2008


Debby A. Tabb
this is where having posing blocks comes in handy, placing them under your muslin in a stair step fashion will help to keep them close/ keep the 1/2 head proper spacing you should have for every other child.
The 5 year old between the 1&2 year olds for safty and to steady them w/bottoms on blocks/the two 3 year olds on floor will be nice.

Take a look at the Studio Photography Threads as these have a LOT of suggestions.and pictures and measurements of posing blocks.

here is part #1 of 23:

I hope this helps,
Debby Tabb

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March 31, 2008


Krista M. Murdoch
  Thank you everyone for all of your suggestions and is greatly appreciated!

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March 31, 2008


Get the settings for exposure, focus and DoF sorted out, set up and tested BEFORE the kids come. So you can concentrate 100% on the kids.

Try confetti poppers!

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March 31, 2008


Danielle E. Rutter
  I assume these are not all siblings? I could be wrong, obviously. But if there are going to be multiple parents... make sure they are all standing RIGHT behind you. Parents find it very hard to resist shouting out their kids names (not sure there's anything you can do to make them stop) and if they are standing everywhere then the kids will be looking every which way.

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March 31, 2008


Krista M. Murdoch
  Thank you for your suggestions W. and Danielle. I think I will try the confetti poppers...that is a great idea.

The 5 kids are cousins so I will definately take your advice Danielle and make sure the parents are all standing right behind me.
Thanks again!

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March 31, 2008


If you do the confetti poppers it would be best if you can expose a fast sequence* of images while the confetti comes raining down. You will have only maybe 2 chances to use confetti poppers effectively. Then the novelty will have worn off and the kids' spontaneiety gone. Time for another trick...

(Don't forget to keep a broom and vacuum cleaner at hand).

*can your light keep up? TEST it in advance!

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March 31, 2008


And have gay (as kids understand it) music in the background at all times. Make it a little party. Select the music carefully. It may make or break the atmosphere.

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March 31, 2008

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