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Photography Question 

Stephanie A. Cook

I need advice on what to charge.

My sister is the marketing directer for a large company that owns alot of businesses in our area, including a Historic Theartre. I have been asked to take on a project that will have me taking artistic and marketing pictures for this theartre. I am very excited but I have not a clue on how to charge for my time and work. Should I charge hourly, including the time I spend editing? or is there a better way? I may need to give them an estimated cost before I start. Please any advice will be great! Thank you!

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March 21, 2008


"Should I charge hourly, including the time I spend editing?"

Sounds like a good plan, Stephanie. Make sure your hourly rate covers the general cost of doing business (insurance, marketing, gear etc.) too. And don't forget to add your out-of-pocket costs for the project to the bill.

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March 21, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  I see you as having about two choices here. First, since she's your sister, she should be willing to at a minimum, tell you what professionals get paid for these types of projects. If she wants you for your ability, that should be one specific way she helps you out.

Alternatively, give her the family discount and don't charge since that may be what she's really looking for. Architectural work is an art onto itself. It requires careful planning, lighting and shooting, more often than not an assistant. It may be you're in over your head here. I don't know.

If she underpays you, she's taking advantage. If she overpays she's arguably self-dealing with a family member. So, personally, I don't know why she's asking a family member to
do this type of work. Be sure, whatever you charge, to get your specific contractual terms in writing. Remember, estimates are just that, estimates and are only ballpark. You need to first calculate ALL of your expenses and costs, group them and then specify them with a profit margin for each then add your time, labor costs, usage rights, and other things noted below. And then there's the "angst fee". Family deals can go south very quickly and get very tumultous. That in itself is worth a premium fee to me.

My day rate for such projects for just my labor, without even looking at expenses including the ones WS mentioned (among others) is about $1,950 per 8 hour day. Don't forget to add usage rights, time spent in meeetings, surveying, travel, lab time, sample prints.
Take it light ;>) and good luck.

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March 21, 2008


Stephanie A. Cook
  Thank you both so much for your advice. It's all a bit overwhelming. My dream has come true that I will get to do what I love for a living but I am afraid I might charge too little the in the end I rip myself off, and I don't want to charge too much and they decide to use someone else. Thanks again, and I will try to keep you updated on how things turned out :)

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March 21, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  A (couple of) word(s) to the wise Steph [without intending to be discouraging]:
"Payment for a single assignment (from a family member) does NOT a professional photographer make."
Beware the siren song ;>)

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March 21, 2008


Stephanie A. Cook
  Thanks Mark, but I have just one assignment at the moment. My sister isn't the one hiring me, it is her boss. She has need of a photographer full time but she just wants to start me off with one project and go from there. I am not discouraged and I understand what you are saying, but this is what I want to do with my life, and even if I do only do one job for this company, at least my work will be published and I can only grow from it. Thanks again.

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March 21, 2008


  Judging by your gallery I would charge $250 a day plus material. Editing, shooting, lab time, travel etc..

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March 22, 2008

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