BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Available Light in Photography

Photography Question 

Cindy Sj

Concert Photography: What Now?

I am curious what knowledge and equipment people find most useful when shooting concerts with digital and ever-changing lighting conditions. All input appreciated!!

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January 30, 2008


Hi Cindy,

type "concert" in the search box, and hit enter.

Have fun!

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January 30, 2008


Kevin Moss
I am an instructor with, and like you, I shoot with Nikon equipment (as well as Canon!).
For concerts, I recommend fast lenses, and digital SLRs. You have a Nikon D80, so you're all set there. For concerts, the important aspect is to get in close, and use a fast lens.
What I mean by "fast" is that the maximum aperture is f/2.8 or larger (remember, small number, larger aperture). This lets more light in, and gives you faster shutter speeds. I recommend fixed focal-length lenses, or fast zooms. An inexpensive fixed lens is the 50mm f/1.8, or the 105mm from Nikon. You'll have to set your ISO to at least 400 as well, as you're shooting in low-light situations.

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January 30, 2008

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