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Photography Question 

Theresa C. Tyree

How to use the self-timer on a Nikon D70?

I have read my camera's manual and still don't get it and neither does my husband. How do I get my self-timer on my D70 to work? Can someone point the way to a course that will help me understand my Nikon D70 better than the manual?
Thanks in advance for the help!

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January 29, 2008


John Rhodes
  TheresaI can guide you on setting the timer, but the explanation on page 105 seems straight forward. Here goes:
1. go to your "Custom Setting" menu (looks like a pencil) and go down to item 24, "Self-Timer." Select the number of seconds delay you desire.

2. Press the "Format" button and rotate the main dial until you see a small clock symbol on the Control Panel.
3. camera is now ready for delayed shutter. Don't forget to set the "Format" back to S for single shooting afterwards.


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January 29, 2008

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