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Photography Question 

Pat Jesten

Shooting people with different skin tones

My son has a great group of friends and I have problems because the children have different skin tones so sometimes one will look great while the other is washed out and there are times when one of the kids look awsome but the other child is too dark. Is there anything I can do? I get my camera (Canon Xti) to focus on all three subjects, BUT they are still not perfect...

Please advise.

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January 19, 2008


Debby A. Tabb
if you are using natueral light, then pose the Darker skin toned subject closer to the window or light source, same with Flash, your lighter bskin tones do not require as much light, so if using a main & fill light, you'd pose your Darker skin tone on the side of your Main( your sun light)
You'll get the hang of it,and it's easier if your doing studio work, if candid w/ natural light you, you get what you get unles you disturb the natural behavior of the candid subject.
I hope this helps,

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January 20, 2008


Oliver Anderson
  Hey Pat, I know Exactly what you're talking about. I used to have the same issue with my friends so I had to stop hanging out with them. Now I only hang out with people with the same skintones as me...its a Win Win for us all and I feel much better about being photographed.

If your son still insists on keeping his friends you may want to invest in a better flash like the Canon 430EX/580EX and a difusser. Photoshop is great because you can correct white balence, expusure and brightness.

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January 20, 2008

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