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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Software for Metadata Searching

I've digitized my fathers 35mm slides (roughly 1,000 in total) and gone through each one and cleaned them up, and placed keywords with each person in the photo and the location, etc. These date between 1950 and 1978. I used a Nikon Coolscan V ED and they came out quite nice.

What I'd like to do is put them all on a DVD and have a software program or script on the DVD that will let the viewer search the keywords/metadata. What I envision is the ability of the viewer to see all the keywords and select one or more of them and see the photos that contain that keyword or those keywords if they select more than one.

For example, if my brother "Bob" wants to see his photos that were taken in Atlanta he'd select his name and "Atlanta" from the list of keywords, or if "Jane" wants to see her photos that also have "Bob" in them, she'd select her name and his name from the list of keywords.

Obviously, I can do this on a PC with a copy of PS, but how can I get that technology on multiple DVDs for distribution?

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November 24, 2007


Ariel Lepor

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November 25, 2007

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