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Amber J. Skene

New Computer Recommendations PLEASE!

I need some help, please. I am needing a new computer due to my hard drive on the one I have now. My hard drive is full and is not made for what I am doing now. I can upgrade my hard drive, yes, but cost wise it makes more since to get a better computer. So, this is what I use and looking for. I want a laptop, perfer a PC because I have never used a MAC.I am currently using PSE 5 but will probably upgrade to PSE 6 due to Vista. I want to have lots of hard drive and RAM so that, in the future, I can upgrade my software without running into this issue again. I am not sure what kind of RAM and hard drive I should have. I know PSE 6 and Vista take up alot of space. I just don't know what system requirements I should be looking at to make sure I am getting a better computer to do what I am doing. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!!


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November 07, 2007


William Schuette
  Amber, having just upgraded laptops I will tell you waht I got and reasoning. I went with a Dell Precision laptop with a 15 inch screen. The 17 inch screens make the computer too big to use in some tighter spaces such as on airplanes and heavier to carry around. For other upgrades, I typically found that going to the option just under the maximum option was the most bang fo the buck. So I went with a 2.8 Ghz processor, 4 G RAM, and a 160 G hard drive. I max out on the screen which was the ultra sharp high res screen. The total cost was around $3000.00.


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November 14, 2007


John P. Sandstedt
  If, as William said, you plan to travel by plane, a 17-inch screen might not be the best investment. So, you should consider getting a docking station/replicator that allows you to plug in the smaller laptop and enjoy the benefits of a larger monitor, full size keyboard and a real mouth [wired or wireless.]

If the laptop comes with Vista you can probably handle more RAM; with Windows XP, there's a question whether you'll be able to use more than 1.4 GIG. Certainly consider up to 2 GIG of RAM if you can. Some folks will say XP can handle up to 4 GIG; that's really not clear at all from articles I've read.

Go for the fastest chip you can. Don't be afraid to consider AMDs. But, remember one thing - in general, all laptops are not on the cutting edge. They tend to be "me too's," following after innovations at the desktop level.

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November 15, 2007

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