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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Amanda M. Freese

Canon Rebel XTI

This isn't exactly a problem, but I was wondering why when I capture my images in RAW mode they automatically just save to the camera instead of the CF card? On page 60-61 of our handbooks it tells how many shots can be taken given certain circumstances, but nothing about it automatically saving to your camera and whether it's safe and ok. Makes it hard to know how many you can take in RAW mode that will be correctly saved to the camera. Unless I missed it in there?

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November 05, 2007


William Schuette
  Hi Amanda, unless the Rebel XTI is a lot different than other DSLRs, any picture you take is immediately saved in the camera's buffer but stays there only pending the file being written to the CF card. This is done to allow you to take bursts of shots because storing in the buffer is far faster than writing to the CF card. The only thing you really need to watch is if you have taken a burst of pictures do not immediately turn off your camera because all of the files may not have been written to the CF card and once you turn the power off the buffer is erased.


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November 08, 2007


Amanda M. Freese

Hello Bill,

I apologize, looks like posted this twice somehow. . . here is the link to the other conversation on this subject..

Note taken on the turning the camera off right away part. . Thanks!

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November 08, 2007

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