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Photography Question 

Kayla H. Coxwell

Canon Rebel 2000

I recently purchased a 35mm Canon Rebel 2000, and I am having problems with blurred pictured at night. I have been taking pictures of my son and his football team. It takes wonderful pictures during the day but late evening and on into the night the pictures turn out horrible. I have tried the action function and the night function. You can't tell who they are and the pictures look like human figures with flames coming from behind them.

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September 12, 2007


Jon Close
  There's not enough light for a shutter speed fast enough to stop motion, at least with the film and lens you are using. Try using ISO 800 film (Kodak ULTRA MAX 800 or Fujifilm X-TRA 800) or even ISO 1600 (Fujifilm Superia 1600). The 800 speed films can also be shot at ISO 1600 with decent results. High speed film is the inexpensive solution. Otherwise you'd need an f/2.8 zoom or telephoto lens.

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September 12, 2007


Kayla H. Coxwell
  Thank You for that info.

I was using a 75-300mm lens but I only had a 200 speed film.

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September 13, 2007

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