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Melliegirl Brownsmith

Digital Infrared with Nikon D80

I have a Nion D80 and have looked at several articals and books Nikon D80 Field Guide and still can't get digital Infrared to work I am using a Cokin P series Infrared Filter any suggestions?

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July 22, 2007


William Schuette
  Mellile, all current digital cameras come with an infrared filter over the sensor to block ir wavelengths. Otherwise ir light would screw up all of your non-ir shots. The Cokin filter works with ir film to block visible wavelengths of light and allow only ir light through to ir sensitive film. Your digital sensor is not analogous to ir sensitive film because of the internal ir blocking filter. There are companies such as Lifepixel that will remove the filter allowing your sensor to be sensitive to ir light but then your camera becomes a dedicated ir camera. I had this done with an old D70 that was not worth selling.

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July 22, 2007


Melliegirl Brownsmith
I owned a D70 previously and actually had good results without removing the IR Sensor using the same filter. I have heard about those companies but unfortunately do not have a spare. Several articals and books claim you can get infrared results with the D80 without removing the sensor all the articles say they used a HOYA filter though so I am looking for anyone who has had success or could maybe shed some light based on that information. The two books I have red were the Nikon D80 field guide and Digital SLR User magazine printed in the UK June 2007 Issue. I have attached my results with the old camera and the new one.

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July 22, 2007


William Schuette
  Nice photos. What you have are monochrome photos that emulate infrared which can be done in Photoshop, Exposure or though selective filtering of color but unless the internal ir filter is removed you cannot capture true ir. Of course, if you are happy with the results it doesn't matter.

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July 23, 2007

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