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Category: New Answers

Photography Question - VISHVAJIT JUIKAR

BetterPhoto Member

Tabletop Photography

Hi, Would like to know what are the important components of Still Life Photography? How to make still life-Tabletop photography more attractive? What should be the object/subject on can focus? Can anybody please help me with some intresting examples? Your help highly appreciated.

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June 22, 2007


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi Vishajit,

Go to the public library and check out a book or two on the subject of Tabletop Photography. One of the best is “Tabletop Photography” by Jacob Deschin, A.R.P.S.

Just so you will know:
Tabletop Photography is the art of creating a stage in miniature. Can be on the floor next to a wall however as you get older, a table is best, otherwise back pain. Your task is to create this stage and populate it with miniature figures either ones you make or purchase. At the same time you decorate the foreground and background and light for dramatic effect. This is a labor of love that appeals the play instinct in all of us.

Gigantic toy train layouts and miniature landscape vistas are tabletops in the extreme. However the prize goes to Hollywood as they thrill audiences at the movies causing larger than life (in miniature) prehistoric monsters to get indigestion eating Manhattan and Tokyo. O-yes, Hollywood miniaturization and model making constructs wonderful tabletops for - great disasters (train/plane crash – building collapsing) –we love them. The pay is great. Lots of fun, nobody gets hurt, even the monsters live to play another day.

Tabletop is one of the best venues you could pursue to learn lighting. Hats off to the Tabletoppers.

Alan Marcus

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June 22, 2007

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