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Photography Question 

Charles B

Cannon 400D XTI vs. Nikon D40x or Nikon D80

Hi everyone. I have spent years working with photographers and models in licensing. Now, I have been bitten by the photo bug! I want to invest in what I am sure will grow be more than simply a hobby. I have narrowed my rather extensive search to the Cannon Rebel XTI and the Nikon D40x and the D80. I don't mean too start the Cannon vs. Nikon wars again, but I would really appreciate the insight of those more experienced than I am.

I love the userability of the Rebel XTI (including the software that comes with it). The dust avoidance system, and advanced 9 point AF seems wonderful. However, I am told that not having a spot meter is a major issue if I plan to be serious about photography. What do you think?

As for the Nikon D40x or the D80 I wonder primarily if there is a big enough difference to justify the additional costs of buying the D80.

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June 17, 2007


John P. Sandstedt
  On the Canon 400D [XTi] - if you use a spot meter, like I do, then the 30D is the right Canon camera for you. The difference between the 30D's 8.2 MP sensor and the 400D's 10 MP chip means very little with regard to image quality, in fact.

There's a big difference between the Nikon D40x and the D80. If you have any Nikon lenses that you used with Nikon film SLRs, they probably won't work with the D40x. That's because Nikon moved the motors that move the lens to a seyt of new lenses. So, what you'd save buying the camera body you'll spend, and then some, if you have to buy new lenses.

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June 18, 2007


Charles B
  Thanks for the feedback John. Interestingly, once I mentioned the desire (not sure its a need) for spot metering, you are the 3rd person to mention/recommend the Cannon 30D. Now, (suprisingly) based on feel and recommendations it seems to be a decision between the 30D and the Nikon D80. I will let you know how it turns out. Thanks again, and I would appreciate any other suggestions.

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June 20, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
I love what that Ken Rockwell has this indepth comparison of the
Nikon D200/D80/D70 and Canon 20D,
You may find it of intrest:

Wishing you the best,
Debby Tabb

** Oh, I have the D70 and D200 love them both.

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June 21, 2007


Tareq M. Alhamrani
  Get Canon 30D and don't look back, and no regret.

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July 01, 2007

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