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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Help with studio lighting

I need major lighting help! I have a 24*30 foot white walls studio with 2 or 3 soft boxes, 2 umbrella lights and one background light.

Problem is I don't know how to use them. I know how to set them up, but I get an orange/yellow tone on my pictures. Before moving into my studio I simply used some home-made daytime lights along with bounce flash which don't do this. Having learned all I know from experience over the last two years, I think its the basic metering and white balance part I don't understand. I know the basics of metering with my camera (I don't have a meter box) but with children I have to have my shutter at least 125 to prevent blur, so how do I meter. I want bright white backdrops and don't know how to get there. Please help.

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June 12, 2007

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