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Photography Question 

Jeremy Barela

using scale feature to adjust photo

I am somewhat new at editing photos with PSE 5.0 - and while playing around today, I found a way to fill the frame while editing using the "scale" feature. My question is, rather than cropping and throwing off the dimensions, is using scale to fill ok to do when it comes to resolution or printing quality? Previously, I would crop photos but never seemed satisfied. But by scaling, I like the finished photo much better. Any help or explanations to my thought madness?

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April 14, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  I kinda thinking you mean proportions instead of dimensions, but if not, you can set your exact dimensions you want with the crop tool. When you have the crop tool selected, under the word "windows" in the tool bar, click on "show options" and a window will come on screen and you can use that to set whatever dimensions you want.
If you cut a paste a picture to a different background, like for collages, using the scale is handy. Keep the shift button down while sliding to maintain proportions of the picture.
As far as resolution, using the scale the picture will be the same resolution as the background it's pasted on. And whether it comes out satisfactory or a stretched out pixelated image can depend on if you shrinking the whole picture, just a small part, and how much you're changing the size.
If you want to take the majority of the picture and crop it to a smaller size, then it would be better to crop with the crop tool without resampling. That way all those pixels will be squeezed in and it will make the resolution go up actually. I have a goats in a pen analogy that I explained to somebody about this if you're not clear on what I'm talking about.

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April 14, 2007


Jeremy Barela
  Thanks for your reply!

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April 16, 2007

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